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Why Abdominal Etching Is Growing In Popularity In 2019

Abdominal etching is a body contouring technique that’s growing in popularity among both men and women. The minimally-invasive surgery is ideal for giving patients the sculpted appearance they desire without extensive recovery or loads of unwanted side effects. The procedure requires a good deal of artistry and skill, but the end result is well worth the effort involved.

Dr. Brady Harris is the premier High Definition Liposuction surgeon in the Nashville, TN area. He is a Triple-Board Certified cosmetic surgeon who has performed hundreds of successful contouring procedures with impressive results. Abdominal etching is done on an outpatient basis at Image Surgical Arts’ state-of-the-art surgical facility.

We’re seeing more and more patients opt for abdominal etching to safely and effectively reach their desired body contouring goals. Let’s take a look at why the procedure is gaining traction in 2019.

35 year old caucasian man high definition VASER core liposuction

*Individual Results May Vary

#1: Two-In-One Procedure

Abdominal etching with high-definition liposuction is essentially a two-in-one procedure. Patients are able to benefit from both fat reduction and skin tightening for a more sculpted appearance. High definition liposuction uses ultra-sonic assistance to liquify isolated fat cells for easy removal. Now with the ability to utilize radiofrequency and helium plasma with Renuvion, our results are having long-term coagulative effects on the skin for a firmer, tighter look than traditional liposuction.

#2: Meet Your Body Contouring Goals

Although abdominal etching is not intended as a weight loss procedure, it can help you jump-start your goals. High-def liposuction helps address fat cells that are typically non-responsive to diet and exercise. That means you’re able to get a more sculpted look than with a healthy lifestyle alone.

Best yet, once you’ve reached your desired contours, you’re more likely to have the motivation you need to keep it off. Existing fat cells that are removed via high definition liposuction are unable to return. If you do experience fluctuations in weight down the line, fat is typically more evenly dispersed throughout the body.

#3: Quick, Easy Recovery

While high-definition liposuction is a surgical procedure, it only requires several strategically-placed incisions. These incisions are typically the size of a pencil eraser. The procedure is done in our accredited surgical facility under anesthesia, and you are able to go home the same day. Most patients need several days for recovery before returning to work. More strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks otherwise you may risk prolonging the healing process. The majority of patients find the minimal recovery process to be well-worth their newly sculpted physique.

Is Abdominal Etching Right for You?

You are a good candidate for the procedure if you’re interested in toning your midsection. Abdominal etching can give you a more sculpted appearance and even produce a 6-pack in some patients. Not only are the abdominals capable of being etched, but the chest (in men) and shoulders, triceps, lats, and even the serratus muscles can be sculpted as well. Men and women who would also like to increase muscle size elsewhere on the body may also benefit from fat transfer procedures.

The best way to determine your candidacy for abdominal etching is through an in-person consultation with a body contouring specialist such as Dr. Brady Harris.

Review by Leslie

*Individual Results May Vary

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about Abdominal Etching? Call or text us for a consultation at (615) 499-4224 or simply fill out the form on this page to see what Image Surgical Arts can do for you!

*Individual results may vary.

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