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Rosacea Treatment in Nashville, TN


Skin Improvement is Possible

Rosacea is a frustrating chronic skin condition that typically appears as a patchy redness and rash on the cheeks and nose. Although rosacea can affect anyone, it is less common but often worse in men. There are also some things that seem to trigger flare-ups like alcohol, spicy food, caffeine, and aerobic exercise. So how can you get relief from the often embarrassing appearance of your Rosacea? Luckily, you do not have to change your entire lifestyle and miss out on that spicy BBQ or your favorite glass of wine. 

How to Identify Rosacea

  • Symptoms can vary from one person to another, and they typically fluctuate between flare-ups and periods of remission.
  • Reddened skin is the most common symptom, sometimes accompanied by a burning or tingling sensation. Over time, this symptom can become more persistent, leaving the skin looking flaky or rough.
  • Broken capillaries
  • Bumpy rash that looks something like acne pimples often appears in the reddened areas.
  • Small, widened blood vessels can appear on the cheeks or nose (Telangiectasia)
  • In men, especially, the nose may start to look bulbous due to thickening skin.
  • Pronounced eye irritation can cause redness, swelling or itchiness.
Rarely, rosacea can affect areas of the body beyond the nose and cheeks.

Medical professionals do not know what causes rosacea, and there is no cure. But please don’t worry, because we can help you take action to control symptoms and improve the health and appearance of your skin.

Step 1: At-Home Skincare Regimen

At Image Surgical Arts, we treat rosacea gradually, depending on each patient’s skin condition. Here is an example of what our licensed aestheticians may recommend:

We start with a consultation so we can see your skin and hear about your symptoms, frequency of flare-ups and any other pertinent information. Then we recommend a personalized skin care protocol using one of two product lines we know are particularly helpful for rosacea – ZO Skin Health or Allumier. We will add new products carefully as your skin is already sensitive.


Step 2: In-Office Treatments

After 30-45 days we will begin to add in-office treatments, again depending on each person’s skin condition. We may use:

  • IPL (intense pulsed light)
  • Yag laser treatment to address redness and vascularity

For patients with acneic rosacea, we use an IPL protocol. In some cases, we also use microneedling which helps to kill bacteria.

As each patient’s skin becomes stronger, we will add certain chemical peels and other, more advanced treatments based on what the skin can tolerate.


Step 3: Maintenance

In addition to your regular in-office skin treatments, you and your aesthetician will hone in on a skincare regimen to follow at home.

You can also follow some lifestyle recommendations such as changes to your nutrition. Avoid consuming things that are known to trigger Rosacea flare-ups such as spicy, sugary, and starchy foods. Yogurt, sour cream, vinegar, and citrus fruits should be eaten in moderation. Stick to low-glycemic carbs like whole grains, beans and lentils as these foods help minimize inflammation.

Take it easy at the gym since increased circulation can cause a flare-up, and avoid temperature fluctuations (going from hot to cold can aggravate your condition).


"This procedure was very thorough. She listened to my concerns and we talked about a treatment plan moving forward!"




ZO Skin Health





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