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Laser Hair Removal For The Back

Did you know that back hair is hereditary? Gee, thanks, ancestors! Just because you can’t see your back hair (unless you do some twisted-around thing in the mirror) doesn’t mean other people can’t see it when you take your shirt off. In fact, a lot of men are so self-conscious about back hair they avoid going shirtless in warm weather and even for swimming. That’s just not fair.

You can feel back hair, too. It can be itchy, make you too warm, and make your clothing fit uncomfortably. And while we typically refer to it as “back” hair, men – and women, too – can have unwanted hair on their shoulders and bottom as well.

Back hair is one family heirloom no one wants to keep. So get rid of it! We’re here to help – with laser hair removal that gets the job done and gives you very long-lasting results.

muscular fit man showing his muscles on his back over a dark background 1﹖width=2058&name=muscular fit man showing his muscles on his back over a dark background 1

Laser Back Hair Removal Is Definitely Worth It

That’s according to 87% of patient reviewers on RealSelf. Our patients here at Image Surgical Arts agree. Laser hair removal works because it precisely targets the growing follicles, killing them with a gentle yet powerful beam of intense light. The existing hair falls out and the follicle stops producing hair. The treatment session can take around an hour or a little longer, depending on the size of the area(s) we’re treating. It is not painful, and there is no downtime involved.

However, laser back hair removal is not a one-and-done treatment option. You’ll notice we said the laser targets growing follicles, but hair grows in phases. At any given time, there are follicles actively growing hairs while others are in the shedding phase or resting. So for most patients, it takes about 6-8 treatments to effectively reach all growing hair follicles and achieve maximum results. After that, you may see random hairs at some point in the future, but we can take care of that quickly, if need be.

Laser hair removal is suitable for almost all skin tones. It doesn’t work well if you have very dark skin because the laser cannot distinguish between the color in your skin and the color in your hair. That can cause damage.

Patient safety is always our goal at Image Surgical Arts. When you come to us for laser or any other treatment, you can be confident that our team is highly-trained and skilled in producing the most comfortable and appealing results, safely. This will also be when our team will assess whether you are a good candidate.

Back Hair Removal Is Not a DIY Project

Attempting to remove back hair on your own is a hassle, and results are marginal at best. First of all, it’s not possible to do it on your own because you can’t effectively reach your back. So depilatory creams, shaving, etc. might work in some areas but not all. That means you have to call upon your partner or a friend to assist. They love you dearly, but seriously? They want to spend time with you, but probably not by removing your back hair!

Besides, shaving produces stubble and it can cause razor burn and painful ingrown hairs on your back and backside, just like on your face. You can go the salon route instead, with regular waxing. But no matter how tough you think you are, waxing hurts.

Even if these DIY options really worked, they are only temporary so you have to keep doing them over and over, year in and year out. That’s expensive, in time and supplies.

Make an Appointment Instead!

The sooner you get started with laser hair removal, the sooner you can be showing off smooth, highly presentable and ever-so-touchable skin. Schedule your consultation today!

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