Will it be worth it? That’s the question every patient asks, especially when they’re considering a significant surgical procedure like the tummy tuck. This surgery can produce dramatic improvement in patients with excess abdominal fat or skin, but it is also a complex procedure that can involve repair of underlying muscles as well as cosmetic re-contouring.
While it should be reassuring to know that tummy tuck gets a 96% “Worth It!” rating on RealSelf, we know your real question is “what about me?” So let’s talk about that.
There’s More to Tummy Tuck than You May Think
Pregnancy and childbirth, aging, weight fluctuations, and bariatric surgery leave men and women with an excessive skin that sags in folds and bulging pockets of fat that refuse to go away no matter how much you exercise. Pregnancy can also stretch underlying muscles, adding to belly pooch. And while many patients come to us thinking they need liposuction, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin and, if needed, tightens muscles to produce smoother, more svelte contours. For patients with excess fat and skin only below the waist, a mini-tuck may suffice.
However, here at Image Surgical Arts, Dr. Brady Harris takes a broader approach to tummy tuck. Because patients usually have unwanted fat in other areas around their torso besides the abdomen, he performs a 360o core liposuction to remove fat and re-contour the flanks, sacrum, and back as needed. That way, you can look your best from every angle.
Tummy tuck is also often combined with other surgeries to produce even more comprehensive results. It may be part of a personally-tailored mommy makeover, for example. Or Dr. Harris can use fat removed from the abdomen to augment the buttocks or breasts.
So, your results will truly be your own.
Comparing Before and After Results
The best way to get a realistic idea of what your own results might be is to look at photos of other patients – men or women who had similar concerns and who got a tummy tuck. It is always crucial to check out results created by the cosmetic surgeon you’re considering because skill, experience, and even an artistic eye determine your outcome.
Since Dr. Harris performs a unique, more comprehensive type of tummy tuck, you will be especially interested to see the results that he can produce. Here’s the link to our photo gallery.
Keep in mind as you review before and after photos that every patient is different – their skin and body are different, their exact condition is different, and their ultimate goals may differ as well. The person you’re seeing may have more or less extensive surgery than you will require. Nonetheless, the more photos you review, the better you will understand what is possible. Realistic expectations are the key to any successful surgery.
There Is More to Before and After than Visible Results
Dr. Harris isn’t the only one who plays a starring role in determining your tummy tuck results. By properly preparing yourself for surgery and following doctor’s orders to the letter afterward, you can help your body heal faster and ensure you’ll see the best possible new you.
You’ll need to be in good health, stable at close to your goal weight, and absolutely a non-smoker beforehand. And you’ll need to plan to take it easy and get help with chores, etc. for at least a couple of weeks afterward. You will be uncomfortable and impatient at first, but overdoing things can undo Dr. Harris’ work. No one wants that!
The Doctor Makes the Difference
We noted earlier that the surgeon you choose is crucial because you are literally putting yourself in their hands to accomplish the changes you desire. Dr. Brady Harris takes a more comprehensive approach to tummy tuck because he knows you want to look your best all around. He is triple board certified – more extensively trained than most – someone you can trust when it comes to your safety as well as your results. Equally important, he is also someone you can feel comfortable with to honestly discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals.
Scheduling a private consultation is the next step in learning how a tummy tuck from Image Surgical Arts can help transform your “before” into an “after” that will improve your physical comfort and boost your self-confidence. Call us at 615-499-4224 or fill out a form on this page.